Complimentary Change Room and Shower Facilities are available to all tenants of Broadway Tech Centre, including a towel service.
On the P1 parking level of 2955 Virtual Way
On the P2 parking level of 2920 / 2925 / 2930-2940 / 2985 Virtual Way.
The 2925 / 2930-2940 Virtual Way facilities are equipped with lockers for day use only. The 2955 / 2985 Virtual Way facilities are equipped with lockers for short term use while exercising only.
Drying Rooms are available at 2920 / 2955 / 2985 only, and may be used to air out your workout clothing and sportswear during the day of use. The Drying Rooms are co-ed and unsupervised.
Please contact our Tenant Services Centre at QuadReal Connect (1-877-977-2262) for access.
Please do not leave valuables in the change rooms, shower facilities, and drying rooms. All items are left at your own risk.