Broadway Tech Centre’s campus of buildings utilize sustainability features in providing levels of efficiency, function and cost savings to its occupants. Aspects such as these:
Double glazed windows to reduce energy use
Utilization of green roofs on 5 of the site's buildings for energy conservation.
Comprehensive waste managmeent plan including recycling service for organics, mixed paper and cardboard, plastic and metal containers, soft plastic, clean white Styrofoam, light bulbs and tubes, batteries as well as electronics.
Broadway Tech Centre tenants have direct access to the Central Valley Greenway, a cycling and walking route connecting New Westminster to Downtown Vancouver.
Two bee-hives were introducted at Broadway Tech Centre in May of 2019. Since then we have held educational workshops for tenants, produced honey from our very own bees and they continue to thrive in our environment.
Our thousands of bees pollinate the urban flora that surrounds us during the summer. At the end of the season, we harvest their honey.
Our project in collaboration with Alveole, a social beekeeping company. Since 2013, Alveole has partnered with hundreds of companies and schools on beekeeping projects.
As part of our sustainability engagement program for tenants, We Care Too is the 2021 campaign theme. We Care Too is about connecting the caring actions of our tenants to the caring actions of QuadReal. It acknowledges the daily efforts of our stakeholders to enhance the natural and built environment. In short, we want to help our tenants reach their sustainability goals while we achieve ours.